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June Product of the month - Clover

Avatar Posted on: 2014-06-24 12:00 AM

We've been looking at the business of running a coffee shop. I've spoken to many small coffee shop owners and discovered that the hardest part of running their coffee shop is acutally running their coffee shop. The paperwork, accounting, time tracking you name it is sucking the time out of their already busy schedule leaving them very little time to focus on product, customer service, and marketing. Enter Clover - simple to use, elegant setup, and as inexpensive as one can get. 

The coffee shops that I've spoken to have told me that it's simple interface makes training new staff a breeze.  The reporting that Coffee Shops can get from it make it very easy to understand how the business is doing. One simple export pulls all of the information out of Clover ready for use in Quickbooks.  It some ways it doesn't have all of the complex features that other more expensive systems have but the number of folks who've told me that they use those functions is quite small.

As a tech-guy we like to look into the future of systems to get an ideal of what it would take to upgrade or change a peice of software or hardware.  The Clover system is very modular and the updates don't require the visit of a technical person costing hundreds of dollars. We love the idea of an "App Marketplace" where individual developers are building out new Apps that can be purchased and used for pennies a day.  One of those Apps is Insightics. It is a business alanysis tool for small to medium business that will really let the small businee owner get a handle on what's really happening.

We were so excited with our findings that we've started exploring integrating Clover into FindMeCoffee so deals and offers from Clover can go right into our App.

If you would like more information about Clover we'd like to introduce you to them.


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