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Wake Up and Smell the Coffee

Avatar Posted on: 2016-07-15 10:59 AM
While most people think a good cup of Joe is all about the roast, the truth is, there are folks out there snooping and sniffing their way to the perfect bean. These people are Q Graders and are the sommeliers of coffee. We met up with a professional Q  grader to find out the secret science behind your caffeine fix.
1.  Flavor Begins with the Eyes
Actually, you use quite a lot of your eyes. Q Graders also are grading coffees for its quality before it's roasted. Before it's cupped, they inspect the coffee for visual defects that will affect the flavor of the coffee. Beans are inspected for defects due to mold, fermentation, and immaturity, but the one you'll see the most is bugs.
2.  It’s About Smell
It's as complex as wine. Train your nose like a Q Grader in the 36 aromas that have been identified by researchers as the most important of the 1,000 different fragrances you experience in your coffee.
3.  Taste the Acidic Notes
If your coffee has apple or pear flavors, you may be detecting malic acid, and if you're tasting grape notes, that's the tartaric acid.
Wake up and smell the science of your coffee!
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