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Customer Suing Starbucks over too much ice.

Avatar Posted on: 2016-05-02 4:59 PM
If you've ever seen the episode of Seinfeld where Kramer sues the local coffee shop for making the coffee too hot then you've probably seen this episode of "My Stupid First World Life".  

Here's the gist.

Stacy Pincus has had enough of Starbucks and their ice-to-coffee ratio. According to reports by TMZ and the New York Post among others, Pincus started a class action lawsuit against Starbucks. If successful, she and other plaintiffs may split $5 million.

Ok. I read this yesterday and tried out a novel approach to the problem before writing this. I went to my local Starbucks and asked for an Iced Coffee with..."No Ice." Based on the lawsuit I was expecting the Starbucks ice police to come rushing out from the back and remove me forcibly and violently from the shop. I supposed that logically, Stacy would have tried that approach first before deciding that it was a travesty of biblical proportions requiring a $5,000,000.00 lawsuit.  (I put the zeros in for emphasis.)

With my palms sweating in anticpation of rejection of my request...The friendly server politely smiled and said "Certainly sir."  Apart from being called "Sir.", it was a perfect transaction I got my coffee without any of that darned ice filling my cup exactly as I'd ordered. The only problem was that there wasn't enough ice to make a good iced coffee. What I got was a cold coffee. If I'd wanted that I could have just ordered my typical coffee and left it on my desk until it was room temperature.

I'm sure that as this unfolds there will be expert testimony about the correct ice to coffee ratios and how wicked evil Starbucks has violated the laws of the coffee universe and put too much ice in everyones cup for the sole purpose of extracting those few pennies from the millinials who want things just so.

If only we could get Stacy Pincus to focus her energy on something like feeding starving children, or educating girls in third world countries then I'm sure those problems would be solved overnight.  Or maybe she'd just sue the universe on their behalf because as we all know lawyers can fix everything.

In short my comment to Stacy ---Two words. "No Ice." 
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