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You could be making these 12 brewing mistakes

Avatar Posted on: 2015-03-06 12:00 AM
Did you know that there are plenty of ways to improve the way you make coffee in the morning?
Unless you're a professional, odds are your method has some errors in it.

We asked for tips from a cast of industry experts, including Geoff Watts from Intelligentsia, Joel Shuler from Casa Brasil, Lorenzo Perkins from Cuvée Coffee, and Greg Lorance from Cumberland Farms.

Here's is what they had to say about coffee mistakes, and how to improve your brewing skills:

1. You're not buying fresh coffee
Look for coffee that's been harvested within the last six months and roasted within the last couple weeks.

2. You're buying bad coffee
Quality ingredients are important with anything that you make at home. Coffee is no exception.

3. You're not measuring
Buy a small digital scale. Make sure to have a 1 to 16 ratio of coffee to water. 

4. You're using a bad brew method
Try a French press or a pour-over method. 

5. You use pre-ground coffee
Buy whole-bean coffee and grind just before brewing.

6. You're not starting with hot water
Your drip machine may not be heating the water to a high enough temperature. Start out with water as hot as your tap will supply.

7. You're not grinding properly
It is very important that you get an even grind so invest in a grinder.

8. You're storing the beans wrong
Keep your coffee in your refrigerator or freezer to prevent it from drying out.

9. You're not using filtered water
If you use poor-quality water, you'll make a poor-quality cup of coffee. 

10. Your water is the wrong temperature
Between 195 and 205 degrees is the range to shoot for. If you don't have a thermometer, bring the water to a boil, remove it from the heat, and let it sit for a minute before pouring.

11. You're not rinsing your filter
Make sure to rinse your paper filter with hot water to keep it from tainting the flavor.

12. You don't know what you like
The best cup is the one you like to drink. Expand your horizons and build yourself an opinion.

We hope this list helps you and leads to your best cup of coffee yet!

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